Often, when we hear about a new concept or product, we’re tempted to find out more. But how do we go about it? How do I get started? etc., so many questions to which it can be hard to find easy answers. And the world of Cryptos, Blockchain and Web3 technologies is no exception.
As far as Floyx is concerned, the easiest way is to join its community on Telegram and start using the very nice tool made available to Community members.
The Telegram Bot, launched a few days ago, allows you to earn points by completing a few small tasks. Make sure you check it regularly, so you don’t miss out on any new tasks.
Using the Bot couldn’t be simpler:
- first you need to register on Floyx: https://www.floyx.com/login
- then join the Floyx community on Telegram: https://t.me/floyxofficial
- and finally use the BOT: https://t.me/Floyxbot
It’s easy to set up:
- Click on ‘Start’
- ‘Start Registration’
- Add your Floyx username (@….)
- Now you’re ready to use the Bot
The suggested tasks are quick to complete, and above all give you a better understanding of what Floyx is, what’s posted, and what you too can post:
- Like a Post
- Comment on a Post
- Share a Post
- Follow a user account on Floyx
These small actions will earn you points, which will then be converted into Floyx Tokens before they are listed.
Want to know more? Join us on Floyx, Telegram, Twitter.
Thanks to Christophe WILHELM for preparing the text for publication.